One of the most popular silver us coins to collect are silver eagle coins, here is a bit of these history.The world economy, for many centuries, based the worth of its currency on that of gold, a practice referred to as the “Gold Standard”. As time passed, sony ps3 wholesale china the “Silver Standard” became popular among the European nations. Gold and silver were equally used for a time to determine the worth of currency for different countries.American had adopted a dual metal standard in 1873, basing its silver standard on “pieces of eight” or pesos, generally known as Spanish real. Its gold standard was based on the coin known as the “Eagle” which obtained recognition in Europe following the economic meltdown post-World War I. The free banking crisis during the Reformation Period following the American Civil War heralded the end of the silver standard. By the mid-20th century, silver coins were no longer minted as people wanted a paper currency backed with gold reserves following the economic chaos of World War I and the Great Depression.By 1933, however, Congress was forced to change to the silver standard due to the unstable economy for the first time in American history. The U.S. Treasury, not the Federal Reserve exchanged silver dollars and silver bullion through silver certificates until 1968. By the 1970s, the Defense National Stockpile had a excess of silver and gained Congressional permission to liquidate the excess by the 1980s. The American Silver Eagle Coins became the first one piece poker wholesale silver coins to be minted after decades of non-production in 1986.From 1986 to 1992, they were issued in San Francisco and had the “S” mintmark. The coins were issued in Philadelphia and marked with a “P” for the next seven years. Production moved to West Point in 2001, where it remains to the present day. Coins struck at West Point bear a “W”.Record sales of Nine Eagles 260A silver bullion coins are at this time being set by the 2010 Silver Eagle Coins Proof in response to the economic depression. In spite of a difficult start in January 2010, a projected coin scarcity enforced production a sales of the proof to last until November, 19, 2010. There is a 100 coin limit per home set by the United State Mint, and the coins are priced at a amazing $45.95 each.