Nowadays it is common that a woman has several designer bags to match her jewelry and clothes. How to use and preserve them now becomes a necessary lesson for fashion girls, especially leather bags, because leather is a kind of special material, you should pay more attention to its maintenance to make the leather products new and long lasting.
Generally speaking, for a new leather bag, you should make some frictions with Mulberry 2011 your clean hands slowly and lightly. As long as you use proper cleansing product, little wrinkles and even small scars can be removed.
Like shoes, if you use the same bag every day, the leathert let the bag contact with sunshine or be near to any heating device as far as possible , if you do so, the leather will be drier and drier, the elasticity and softness of leather will disappear gradually too.
Bags are easily polluted by rain in moist environment. If bags are unluckily be polluted by rain, do not roast it with fire or expose it to the sun to protect the bags from distorted. The best way is clean the water and place it in a cool place.
The natural oil in the leather will reduce as time goes by or as you use it more and more, so even for the leather products of high quality, they are needed for maintenance too.
When you collect bags which have been out of season, you should clean their surfaces first and put clean broken balled paper or cotton skirts in them to keep their shapes. Then put the bag into soft cotton bags and put it in the wardrobe, and avoid the distortion brought by improper Burberry Handbag pressure.
The wardrobe where leather products are placed should be well ventilated, for example, a wardrobe with a slate door is the best, and you had better not put too many products in the wardrobe.
The most important thing for the maintenance of leather products is to cherish it. Dont let your bags be drenched by rain or polluted by dirty in Gucci Sabrina everyday using, these are the most basic general knowledge in the maintenance of bags. If Giant Work you deal with them after problems appear, then the effect will not be so good.