What is love It is a emotional process or it is just a process of physiology. A woman's smile may not be all it seems, it could be a sign of hormones at work.French researchers may have found a way to make men more sensitive by spraying them with the "cuddle hormone," according to a new study.The study, published by remote controlled flying shark the University of Bonn in the Journal of Neuroscience, reports that scientists created a spray using the hormone oxytocin, which is commonly referred to as the "love" or "cuddle hormone."Researchers have found when a woman sees images of men, her smile muscle is more active during the follicular stage of the monthly cycle, and they suggest it may be a way of increasing the chances of intimacy. Progesterone, the hormone that prepares the womb for a possible pregnancy, is thought to be implicated. It's the latest research to show the effects of hormones on mood and behaviour. Other hormones have been linked to depression, stress, anxiety, forgetfulness, social bonding, fatherhood, lying, generosity, romance and trust, as well as sexual relationships. There is great example that is Tiger woods scandal. Tiger swear that he loves his wife so much, but the truth is that he loves sex much better. His super high libido triggered this scandal. When this scandal first published by a golf website called wgbuy.com, people realized that RC Air Swimmers love does not last for a long time. However the truth is that you can’t hold your love hormone for a long time at one target.After Syma s107 upgrade spraying it into the noses of 24 men, researchers showed them photos of a crying child, a girl hugging her cat and a grieving man and compared their reactions to men who were not given the hormone.Participants who had been sprayed with oxytocin expressed a higher sense of empathy than those who were not. Their emotions were comparable to what is stereotypically expected of women, according to the the study's authors.Oxytocin is the hormone released to trigger labor in pregnant women and it also helps women bond with their newborns. It has been called the cuddle or love hormone because it is associated with the feeling of trust and is also released during an orgasm."Our study has revealed for the first time that emotional empathy is modulated by oxytocin, and that this applies similarly to learning processes with social multipliers," said study author René Hurlemann, M.D., of Bonn University′s Clinic for Psychiatry, in a statement. "This hormone might thus be useful as medication for diseases such as schizophrenia, which are frequently associated with reduced social approachability and social withdrawal."